Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Day African journalists celebrated Holi festival in New Delhi

It was celebration galore on Monday, 13th March 2017 in major parts of India, including New Delhi, as Indians celebrated the annual Holi festival of c

Niger: Thy neighbors women

Take nothing away from our Nigerian women. From Konduga, where they pile up the hair high, to Calabar, where it is flat-plaited, we have some of the f

An endangered species: London”s loquacious black cab drivers

Sitting in a room full of maps, Paul Defendi and Tommy Bartram ask each other over and over again the quickest way from A to B. Trance-like, they reci

Bring your own mat: Goat yoga is the next big thing

Yoga fans are constantly on the lookout for new and unusual relaxation and enlightenment techniques. You can now do it standing up on a paddle board (

Over 100 year-old suspended monorail gets facelift

If you love riding trains, you’ve got to ride this one before you die: It’s the world’s only mass-transit rail system which has its

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