Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Nigeria’s booming film industry redefines African life

Sitting on a blue plastic stool in the sweltering heat, Ugezu J. Ugezu, one of Nigeria’s top filmmakers, was furiously rewriting his script as t

In Turkey, adventure travel takes the plunge

Honestly, I didn’t think our Mediterranean vacation could get much better.  The dozen of us on the trip had already swum several miles a da

Sun City: Splendour, magnificence in heart of semi-desert

For me the first step of the over 4, 493 kilometres (2, 792 miles) flight from Abuja to Johannesburg, South Africa, started with the formal announceme

In Prague, get lost!

Prague is the capital of Czech Republic. It’s historic, cultural, and gastronomical wealth lure tourists who best encounter it by foot as our re

Visiting the world’s biggest basilica

When there is a mention of the world’s biggest basilica, most people are not likely think of Africa. But the world’s biggest basilica is i