

Prince Bola Adesumbo Abduljabbar Ajibola CFR, SAN, KBE

It was a humble privilege and an unforgettable experience for me to have worked closely with the phenomenal personality Prince Bola Ajibola,…

Tribute to Malamin Islamiya

Inna lillahi wa’inna ilaihi rajiun My first Islamiyya school teacher is gone.  “Malamin Islamiyya” has finally gone to the great beyond. Allahummaghfi

Tribute to my dear uncle, Jamil A. Salim

The call lasted for about 43 seconds, but it was the most dreadful phone call I ever received. Perhaps it was a premonition, but I had difficulties fa

Tribute to my dear uncle, Malam Jamil Salim

Innalillahi wa innalillahirrajiun (from Allah we are, and to Him, we return), Kawu is dead! We will never see him again or talk to him. Jamil, my seco

Hon. Justice Bola Ajibola: Exit of a judicial titan

I was shocked beyond description when I received the sad news of the departure of the eminent jurist and educationist Hon. Justice Bola Ajibola, SAN,