Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

It was not an election – it was war

At some point in this life, diplomacy is bound to change. The current system is neither sustainable nor durable. Why is it possible to be born in one

The unending aftershocks of hurricane Obi

As far as weather phenomena go, hurricanes have a lifespan. They pack lethal force, usually over the seas; travel at breakneck speed to make landfall

Our rigging machine is stronger than yours

By now, most of you already know how I miserably failed to make it into the legal profession. If you’re curious, that truncated ambition had nothing t

You’re not a democracy; Oh Nigeria

Congratulations Nigerians. If the hallmark of democracy is characterised by a group of people queuing up in the sun or rain to have their fingers dabb

The farewell from Buhari’s fair-weather friends

Protect me from my friends, now that I know all my enemies – Gregory Isaacs Outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari should be realising by now that