Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

Why Minister Lai needs to block social media

I love my country. Nations have aspirations and we are not left out. Some go to the moon while others want to explore other galaxies, Nigeria has no s

As America votes

With today’s final poll, Americans have plateaued to that level where it could either mess up big time or show the world that it has the attributes of

Between lawful protests and sheer brigandage

Nigeria has been unfair to Goodluck Jonathan. During his tenure at the Rock, his wife had her ears to the ground and used information gathered from th

Whither your wrath of Northern Nigeria?

According to history, or some version of it, independence came too early for northern Nigeria. While yan kudu, or southern leaders were trying to hurr

SARS is dead, long live Police brutality

Call the drummers, arrange the percussionists, let the vocals join the treble and the bass guitar and let’s go paint the town red – SARS, the Systemat