Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

Will Yobe State be the almajiri sanctuary?

One was taken aback by the announcement last week that Yobe State is opting out of the decision of Northern governors to ban the almajiri system withi

Many losses of the pandemic era

One of the characteristics of this pandemic era is the large number of lives lost on a daily basis. Death is so much in the news and is everywhere tha

James Ogebe – A titan among judges

One of the advantages of these days of lockdown is the ample time at our disposal to catch up on outstanding readings. With daily travels restricted t

All hail, the Chief

We were at a group zoom meeting on Tuesday last week, when news from dependable sources filtered in that Professor Ibrahim Gambari has been appointed

Sordid state of our health facilities

Though it has been public knowledge all the time, yet whenever one encounters our health care system, its parlous state never ceases to surprise. It i