Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

How would you advise the new Ministers?

I guess it would seem presumptuous for someone who has never held a ministerial post to wish to advise the set of 43 recently unveiled by President Mu

When AMCON acquires new fangs

In December last year at a forum organized by the NDIC in Lagos for selected group of editors, in the print and electronic media, I found out that the

When shall we vanquish Boko Haram?

As the Boko Haram scourge turned into its tenth year, this must be the question, I guess, that must be agitating the minds of many, particularly those

A good moo from the Central Bank

As sound bites go, part of the speech of the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) which he made after the meeting of the July 2019 edition of the

Advancing the cause of public schools

I say, if you are one of those who thinks that the Red Chambers in the National Assembly is a retirement home for former state governors, you better h