

Complicity of the West in Nigeria’s security challenges

The recent statement by former American envoy to Nigeria John Campbell that it is unlikely for Nigeria to get technical and financial support from the

Does regional power rotation in Nigeria evenly redistribute the dividends of democracy and economic gains across the country?

Few topics in recent Nigerian politics evoke more passion than the debate on whether the 2023 presidency for the next four to eight years tarry in the

A global model to tackle violence against women

As the world grapples unevenly with the effects of COVID-19, a parallel and equally horrific pandemic has threatened half the world’s population.  In

Need to subsidise drugs for sickle cell patients

The United Nations General Assembly in 2008 set aside 19 June of every year as the World Sickle Cell Day for the purpose of increasing public awarenes

Yes to the ban on Twitter

I find it imperative to kick start this piece by giving a background of the man behind Twitter which is presently in the eye of the storm following it