Vox Pop

Vox Pop

Should hate speech lead to death sentence?

The National Commission for the Prohibition of Hate Speeches Bill 2019 which, among other things, seeks capital punishment (death by hanging) for culp

Should ASUU give in to IPPIS demands?

The FG’s deadline for ASUU to key into the IPPIS elapsed last month. This decision by the FG is all in a bid to curb payroll fraud. But ASUU on its pa

What Nigerians think about government’s plan to tax soft drinks

When I heard about this new excise duty by the minister, I was worried. Are the taxes they are planning to implement not going to be too much for the

Is food really cheap in Nigeria?

Last Monday, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sabo Nanono, said Nigeria was producing enough food to feed itself, insisting that the

What Nigerians think about the reintroduction of toll gates in the country?

The government has proposed that tollgates be reintroduced in order to increase revenue generated, but Nigerians have mixed feelings about the reintro