

Is the rule of law on trial in Nigeria?

I t does look like we have decided as a nation that violence is an acceptable part of the political process. One is just a little worried at the way i

Killing You Softly

It was at a friend’s summer party in August. Invites to this particular friend’s get-togethers are usually well attended for its ‘Rice and Suya Very P

Are We All Hypocrites?

It is always interesting when Nigerians express shock at the way things are in our country. But our shock is often misplaced. We keep trying to make t

Buhari’s search for an Apartheid script

So, it took the Americans 28 years to re-establish diplomatic relations with Somalia. Since 18 American soldiers were savagely ambushed and killed on

Muhammadu Always Defiantly Defies Buhari

A level of insolence never before seen in our culture is unfolding in the political spectrum. It is a very well known fact that every ruiner of the co