

Ekweremadu and the frontiers of parliamentary notoriety

Were it not for the fear of thrombosis, I should be heading to the Nigerian legislature. It’s the waste bin of mostly spent elements – used gove

Not corruption, but a mop-up operation

I can stand every criticism of government except blasphemy. Impugning the character of my rulers doesn’t go well with me. In the history of political,

Citizen Emeka and the new Medical and Dental Practice Bill

Trying times, they say reveal those genuinely on the side of the poor. If you are among those that classify our overpaid and underperforming lawmakers

Our rigging machine is stronger than yours

By now, most of you already know how I miserably failed to make it into the legal profession. If you’re curious, that truncated ambition had nothing t

The magic of elections

Elections are around the corner and things are looking up. Shouldn’t we be holding elections every year? It is true that they cost us a fortune, but t