Wednesday Column

Wednesday Column

This money-spinning intelligence trade with bandits…

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Homeland Security count their counter-terrorism achievements in the fact that since Septem

Taming election spending to preserve economy after polls

A little book I read way back in secondary school, This is Our Chance, made a deep impression on me and it has remained. One of the popular quotes fro

Our Science schools’ desperate cry for help

I would have written today about President Buhari’s assent to the Electoral Bill after over four years of dilly-dallying. But that topic can wait, as

There certainly are alternatives to endless, pointless strikes

On Wednesday, on Facebook, I described the ASUU’s over two-decade strategy of strike after strike, with only students as victims, as “the definition o

The unseen forces behind terrorist fighters

On February 4, 2022, no fewer than 25 terrorists, fleeing airstrikes by the Nigerian military,  drowned in a deep river located within the Marte axis