

Why you shouldn’t feel bad having only female children

The argument concerning the sex of a child is a regular occurrence in most families in Africa, especially in Nigeria. The male child is given priority

When should a child start to do domestic chores?

While discussing with some friends over the weekend, some of them wondered what the appropriate time was for a child to take up chores in the house. M

Joint accounts: To do or not to do?

A reader sent an e-mail last week and a portion of it went: “I don’t have access to our joint account and any time I ask for money, it ends up being a

Drawing the line between indulgence and love

It is common to see children take advantage of the luxuries their parents provide for them at home and often have no clue of what life is outside thei

Do kids and smartphones mix well?

Modern technology continues to transform our lives in many ways, positively or negatively. It has made our lives easier, but on the other hand it comp