

When parents are over-demanding

Children leave home to start their own homes and sometimes begin to take responsibility for their parents’ upkeep and that of their siblings. But in t

Curtailing verbal violence in relationships

Violence against women is a major issue. Wife battering is one issue that has made major news headlines. The trend now has shifted from battering to v

Dating: What is the right age for a teen daughter?

“My 17-year-old step-daughter told her dad and I she now has a boyfriend and would like us to meet him. She lives with her mum. My husband is against

Living above our means

Last week, a discussion ensued between a couple on whether to have their first child in Nigeria or abroad. The husband, in his mid-thirties, tried to

Why do mums have special preference for some children?

Adaeze Collins knows what it feels like to be the least favoured among siblings. She explains thus: “I suffered it when I was a child as my mum didn’t