

Why do successful women tolerate abuse?

“It took me 23 years to walk out from an abusive marriage. I have suffered every day of my life, emotionally and physically, but I didn’t have the con

When apologies aren’t signs of defeat

Apology, according to WikiHow, is an expression of remorse for something one has done wrong, and occasionally serves as a request for forgiveness, as

Getting control of anger in your child

Whenever such tragic events occur, I receive phone calls from parents wondering if their child may be the next news headline, since their teen also se

6 mistakes married women make that lead to divorce

Here are six marriage mistakes that can easily lead to divorce:1. You talk to friends about the rotten thing you think your husband did to you. Resear

How effective is silent treatment?

A friend once told a joke about a man and his wife who had marital problems and decided to apply the silent treatment. Towards evening, the man realiz