Women In Business

Women In Business

‘Money making hobbies are most satisfying jobs’

Maryam Suleiman’s love for cooking made her turn her hobby into a full-blown business. She tells us more about why she chose to go into bakery.  

Refuse reuse business remains untapped says artists

Proper recycling has been described as a huge problem especially in developing countries like Nigeria because a bottle of coke takes 400 years to deco

Tips on growing a successful business

Many people start a business thinking they will be making money immediately they opened their doors only to find that making money in a business is mu

‘Businesses need regular reviews for growth’

Weyinmi Eribo is the CEO of Roots and Brew. In her quest to share knowledge of healthy lifestyle alternatives, she discovered a gap in the health and

Women showcase talent at economic empowerment summit

There was an array of products on display by various women groups including those living with disability at the just concluded 4th Kaduna Women Econom