Young Trusters

Young Trusters

STORY, STORY…The lion, the fox, and the beasts

But soon the lion seemed to recover, and came to the mouth of his cave, and saw the fox, who had been waiting outside for some time.“Why do you not co

STORY, STORY…The dog invited to supper

As he said this to himself, he wagged his tail, and gave a sly look at his friend who had incited him. But his tail wagging to and fro caught the cook

STORY, STORY…The Lucky Fisherman

One man named Akon Obo, who was very poor, began to make baskets and traps out of bamboo palm, and then when the river went down he used to take his t

STORY, STORY…The man who lost his axe

Soon, he called together all his hired men and asked them, “Have any of you seen my axe, the one I was using?”“No,” they replied.The man was very angr

STORY, STORY…The Lucky Fisherman

One man named Akon Obo, who was very poor, began to make baskets and traps out of bamboo palm, and then when the river went down he used to take his t