Young Trusters

Young Trusters

STORY, STORY…A hunter, a deer, a cow, a snake and a jackal

Soon, he saw a deer and hunted him down. The hunter slung him over his shoulder and merrily started home.On the way, he came across a fat cow. He drop

STORY, STORY…The Peasant

The Villager was an ugly, hairy man. He had thick eyebrows and lips. He had a crooked nose and a squint in his eye! But he bravely faced the Roman Min

STORY, STORY…The Turtle and the Monkey

The turtle gave him money for it.The turtle took the bag. He started to walk to his house. On the way he felt thirsty. He put the bag near the road. T

STORY, STORY…The Ape and the Carpenter

At noon, the carpenter went home for lunch. The ape thought, ‘If the carpenter can cut the wooden log, so can I!’The ape jumped and sat on the carpent


Jowler and Vixen were tied together as a couple. They were both young and new to hunting. The two Dogs were good friends and always played together. T