Young Trusters

Young Trusters

STORY, STORY!The wild boar and the fox

“Why are you doing that?” Asked the Fox at last with a grin. “There isn’t any danger that I can see, he went on. “True enough,” replied the Boar, “but

STORY, STORY!The wolf and his shadow

“Why,” exclaimed the Wolf proudly, “see how big I am! Fancy me running away from a puny Lion! I’ll show him who is fit to be king, he or I.” Just then


“Spare me!” begged the poor Mouse. “Please let me go and someday I will surely repay you.” The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever h


Many plans were discussed, but none of these was thought good enough. At last, a very young Mouse got up and said: “I have a plan that seems very simp

Happy Easter, Trusters!

I assume it is an exciting day for everybody. There is a lovely and very easy recipe for you to try out for your family and friends to celebrate the s