Young Trusters

Young Trusters

story STORY – The fox and the cat

“I’m prepared for any situation” said the Fox. “I have a whole bag of tricks to choose from if my enemies try to capture me.” “I’m afraid I’ve only go

story STORY – The fox and the crow

“Man, that’s a tasty looking piece of cheese,” said the fox to himself. “Hey, I should have that cheese. I’m the fox and I deserve it,” he said. “I’m

story STORY – The Mouse and the Douglas-Fir Cone

The mouse was fearful all day and all night, for the sly fox always tried to catch him and eat up him. The mouse was very clever and was able to hide

story STORY – Why there are clouds

In the forest long, long ago, there lived an old man. The man lived with his son. The old man’s name was Wise Man and his son’s name was Little Wolf.

story STORYCrow brings daylight

The more they heard about daylight, the more the people wanted it.“We could hunt further and for longer,” they said. “We could see the polar bears com