Young Trusters

Young Trusters

story-STORY! Dear Old Dad

Who can fix my broken bike? Whose strong hands can hold me tight? When I need someone to make things right, It’s my dear old Dad. Who does things that


It is World Environment Day today! How conscious have you been of keeping your environment safe for you and for those around you? Today, there are som

story-STORY! The Fox and the Goat

“I wanted some water, but not this much” said the fox to himself, as he splashed around in the water. “Now how am I going to get out of here” he said,

story-STORY! How the Humming Bird got its Hum

The prince had a wonderful singing voice. Usually he would go out into the forest and sing. And usually the animals would get attracted to his voice.

story-STORY!How the Tortoise got his shell

One day Tortoise was running a race with Cheetah; he was running so fast Cheetah could not see him. Suddenly Tortoise tripped and then tumbled down a