Young Trusters

Young Trusters

story-STORY! How the Elephant got his trunk

Elephant sat under a tree, where nobody could see him. He started to cry. His head was hanging down, crying big tears. He sat and cried for days. One

story STORY- The Flea and the Man

The Man, laughing, replied, “Now you shall certainly die by mine own hands, for no evil, whether it be small or large, ought to be tolerated.”

story STORY-The Fox and the Grapes

Drawing back a few steps, he took a running leap at it, but missed the bunch. Again and again he tried, but in vain. At last, he had to give up, and w

story STORY – Hercules and the Wagoner

Hercules, it is said, appeared and thus addressed him: “Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks, and never more pray to me for

story STORY – The Dog and His Reflection

He, then, opened his mouth to get the other piece of meat, but at that moment, his own fell into the water with a splash and the stream swept it away.