Young Trusters

Young Trusters

The Blind Man and the Whelp

“I do not quite know whether it is the cub of a Fox, or the whelp of a Wolf, but this I know full well. It would not be safe to admit him to the sheep

The Fishermen

When they had dragged the nets to the shore they found but few fish: the nets were full of sand and stones, and the men were beyond measure cast down

The Fox and the Hedgehog

A swarm of hungry blood-sucking flies settled upon him. A Hedgehog, passing by, saw his anguish and inquired if he should drive away the flies that we

Trusters Munchies

3 Ripe medium bananas; sliced2 c Milk; chilled1 1/2 c Vanilla ice cream2 ts Vanilla essenceDirectionsBeat bananas in mixer bowl until smooth. Add milk

Hello, Trusters!

If you missed that, it’s Father’s Day tomorrow! Hope you got some gifts and goodies for daddy? If you haven’t done so, you still have time to get him