Young Trusters

Young Trusters

The man and the wood

A man came into a wood one day with an axe in his hand, and begged all the trees to give him a small branch which he wanted for a particular purpose.

The Crow and the Pitcher

A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of water; but when the Crow put its beak into the mouth of the Pitcher he

The dove and the crow

A dove shut up in a cage was boasting of the large number of the young ones which she had hatched. A crow, hearing her, said: “My good friend, c

The woodman and the serpent

One wintry day a woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he saw it was a serpent to

The Fox and the Mosquitoes

A Fox after crossing a river got its tail entangled in a bush, and could not move. A number of Mosquitoes seeing its plight settled upon it and enjoye