Understanding a billion Muslims: 10 days, 10 deeds (II)

Day 3:  Forgive: Especially someone who, you believe, does not deserve forgiveness. Strip all malice from your heart. Muslims believe that if we forgive fellow human beings, then God in turn forgives us.Day 4: Do charity: Write a check, as big as you can, to a charity. A recent survey reported that UK Muslims gave […]

Understanding a billion Muslims: 10 days, 10 deeds (II)
Understanding a billion Muslims: 10 days, 10 deeds (II)

Day 3:  Forgive: Especially someone who, you believe, does not deserve forgiveness. Strip all malice from your heart. Muslims believe that if we forgive fellow human beings, then God in turn forgives us.
Day 4: Do charity: Write a check, as big as you can, to a charity. A recent survey reported that UK Muslims gave more money to charities, annually, than Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs.
Day 5: Be hospitable: Invite your neighbours, your children’s friends or your co workers and have a meal with them. Hospitality is deeply ingrained in every Muslim culture.
Day 6: Be kind:  I can see a reader, who is itching to write a scathing comment along the lines of, “go tell the “Mozlems” to do these 10 deeds. Go back to your “Mozlem” country.” Be kind. Don’t write such a comment during these 10 days. Fasting is an exercise of comprehensive self control. Giving up food is just a part of it.
Day 7:  Visit the sick: There’s got to be an uncle, aunt, grandparent, someone who will be elated to see you unexpectedly. Spend some time with them on day 7.
Day 8: Forgive a debt: That N100 or N1,000 which a friend or a relative owes you but does not have the capacity to pay it — consider forgiving it. Muslims are urged to follow the practice of easing the hardships of other humans and Ramadan is considered the best time for such acts.
Day 9:  Stay up all night and pray. Pray in your own words, according to your belief. But don’t miss these off-peak hours. Muslims believe there is a night of destiny during the last 10 days of Ramadan when every prayer is accepted. Muslims pray five times a day and they intensely search for the night of destiny.
Day 10: Enjoy solitude: Turn off your phones, iPads, laptops, TVs and genuinely think. Analyze. What would make a people who globally practice empathy, sacrifice, charity, prayer, kindness, and a comprehensive self control hate us? Concluded
– www.huffingtonpost.com/