Unforgettable Gaddafi…

I looked around and there is no other African leader today whose name will come to mind. None that was assertive. None with any clear ideology. Africa’s flank has been left open. Now we are fair game for the vultures of this world.  No African leader to look at the west in the eye and […]

Unforgettable Gaddafi…
Unforgettable Gaddafi…

I looked around and there is no other African leader today whose name will come to mind. None that was assertive. None with any clear ideology. Africa’s flank has been left open. Now we are fair game for the vultures of this world.  No African leader to look at the west in the eye and slow them down.  None to talk about real unity for Africa and put his money behind that unity!  We are done for in Africa.   Somehow, all my heroes are getting killed.  If I was wrong about these unlikely heroes of mine, the world should have become a better place since they departed.  But no, the world keeps getting worse.  Nigeria has become much more dangerous and financially reckless since Yar’adua departed.  I reckon Libya and the rest of Africa will descend into further headlessness now that Gaddafi is gone!

‘We came, we saw, HE DIED!’, said evil Hilary Clinton, a day after Gaddafi was killed.  In fact, she was in Libya just a few hours before NATO bombed Gaddafi’s convoy.  After making this evil statement, Hilary burst into a cynical laughter.  Gaddafi’s body was displayed openly and abused.  He was not given a proper Muslim burial 24 hours after his death.  Unthinking African people – especially many of our youths – rejoiced at his death, oblivious of the dangers that lurked around the corner for their own very existence.

I have often heard from our so-called intellectuals, how it serves Africa right to be pillaged and looted by wiser countries – especially westerners.  I have consistently told those people that if Africa is admittedly a retarded continent, then it should be protected from bullies.  If a child is retarded and constantly puts its own fingers inside fire, one will still not allow bullies to kill that slow child.  A retarded child needs protectors, for he may still emerge as a prodigy at a future date. Professor Stephen Hawkings, one of the world’s most intelligent persons, cannot even walk or talk.  He is very disabled.  If his parents had allowed bullies to beat him about, he would have been dead since 10.  That is the case of Africa.

George Orwell said ‘A people sleep peaceably at night, because there are rough men standing guard, ready to do violence on their behalf’.   The rough men of the USA are the Hilary Clintons of this world, doing maximum violence on other peoples, so that Americans may continue to see themselves as the best people in the world.  Africa’s last rough man was Gaddafi.  The rest of the people we have elected or appointed as rough men, are not doing any violence on our behalf, as they should, but AGAINST US!  That is why we shall hear no coherent word of unity from our leaders in the coming years.  Gaddafi’s blood is on their hands, especially that of Nigeria’s leaders who were the first to sanction the great injustice and rape of Africa.  Like Balarabe has said, Nigeria is next in line.

I argue with many Africans about the correctness of treating African leaders like common criminals and letting foreigners butcher them at will.  I recall Laurent Gbagbo being dragged by his trousers.  I recall Mubarak in a cage.  And now Gaddafi.  We fail to see that we lessen our own very dignity and humanity by these acts.  Yes, dictators may be bad – not all the time – but they surely do a good thing or two in their lifetimes.  This cut and paste democracy is ill-understood by us, and unfit for our socio-historical realities, and so we should not use it as a basis for denigrating ourselves and becoming worse than wild animals!   Most of the people who complain and hate their leaders to the point of sanctioning their barbaric murder, are merely envious.  Most people detest their leaders and complain, simply out of greed for power, and money.  I am not afflicted by any of those, luckily.  In the case of Gaddafi, one would hear about ‘how his sons are controlling everything’, despite the fact that Libya was apparently the most liveable/developed country in Africa before the evil western leaders decided to go and sell them some democracy! The UNDP Human Development Index 2011 said so, not me.  Google it!

The below was the reaction I got from a presidential candidate of a neighbouring African country, which has itself been under dictatorship in a Face book interaction;

“Tope I feel very deeply about what is happening to us in Africa today. The west is now trying to sell to us a Tokunbo type of democracy which is fronted by a vampires bloodthirstiness which our youth and some of our African leaders are falling for. But this tokunbo democracy does not set one standard value for human life. Recently a Norwegian took out a gun and systematically and cold-mindedly killed hundreds of children on an island retreat. When he was arrested and arraigned in court he admitted the crime, but pleaded not guilty. He argued that he was protecting Norwegian society from Islamic invasion. Guess what? The chances that the guy will face the death penalty or even solitary confinement is zero. He is a cult figure more than a criminal. But in Africa, the life of an African leader is not worth that of a plucked chicken…

“With the death of Gaddafi, the African continent is now like a car loaded with valuables and parked on the roadside on a highway in the middle of the Sahara desert because it has no driver and no spark plugs. We have absolutely no idea where to go to get a tow truck to come and tow it away or even where to tow it to. But the real tragedy is that a tow truck is on the way but I will not break your heart by telling you where the tow truck is coming from, who is driving the tow truck or where he intends to tow it to. That is why I feel sorry for our African youth who feel that African leaders should be lynched so that they can be free.”

I also came across an allegation online, to the effect that Mr Bill Gates has been trying to reduce human population through vaccines, and has set his eyes squarely on Nigeria.  I got to know that his father was an Eugenicist – scientists who (like Hitler) believe that only the best species should be left on Earth.   Dear readers, go to www.youtube.com, and search for ‘Bill Gates Confesses to Depopulation Agenda’.  It may be false, but most of his accusers are white activists.  BBC also aired a programme during the week, which focused on population in Africa. The issue is who will speak up for Africa now?  Honestly I am scared now.  But I will forge on in the hope that we can cave our continent and our people, from annihilation – self-induced or imported.  God bless Gaddafi’s soul wherever he may be today. And shame on the other FORGETABLE LEADERS who sold him out!

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