What to do if you come in contact with a Covid-19 carrier

Coronavirus is spreading fast, and there are chances anyone can contract it without knowing. When someone begins to show typical symptoms, don’t panic. Instead, be sure what you have to do when come in contact with a Covid-19 patient. Note that close contact means that you live with or have been in settings of less […]

What to do if you come in contact with a Covid-19 carrier

Coronavirus is spreading fast, and there are chances anyone can contract it without knowing.

When someone begins to show typical symptoms, don’t panic. Instead, be sure what you have to do when come in contact with a Covid-19 patient.

Note that close contact means that you live with or have been in settings of less than one metre from those who have the virus.

Here is a list of what should be done when one comes in close contact with a carrier of the deadly COVID-19 virus, according to the World Health Organisation.

The first step to solving a problem is identifying it. Acknowledge that you have been in close contact with someone who’s had Covid-19, and perhaps the chances of having been infected.

This now leads to the next step, which is seeking medical help.

When attending a health facility, be it an adult or a child, ensure you wear a face mask and keep a distance of at least one metre from other people. Do not rest of the staircase rail or touch your face and surfaces with your hands.

If you do not live in an area with malaria, it is advised that you:

– Self-isolate if you become ill with mild symptoms

– Stay self-isolated even if you don’t think you have been exposed to COVID-19 but develop symptoms, monitor yourself.

– If you do not have symptoms but have been exposed to an infected person, self-quarantine for 14 days.

Those who have had a definite confirmation of the COVID-19 virus are advised to self-isolate for 14 days even after symptoms have disappeared, as a precautionary measure.

It has however not been established as to how long people remain infectious after they have recovered.

Stay safe and keep a distance!

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