Would you rather spank your children or correct them verbally?

The bible tells us to “spare the rod and spoil the child”. Not everyone subscribes to that. No one is above mistakes but what method would you adopt in reprimanding your children? LifeXtra takes a look at varying views about the issue. Our children will definitely be naughty but it is our duty as their […]

Would you rather spank your children or correct them verbally?

The bible tells us to “spare the rod and spoil the child”. Not everyone subscribes to that. No one is above mistakes but what method would you adopt in reprimanding your children? LifeXtra takes a look at varying views about the issue.

Our children will definitely be naughty but it is our duty as their parents or guardians to put them on the right path. They can be reprimanded in different ways which can either be by spanking them or correcting them verbally. Let us see what Nigerians think about this matter.

Angela Nwankwo, 38-year-old civil servant, said that she believes in employing all tools needed to reprimand her children. She said, “I don’t compromise when it comes to doing what is right for the future of my kids. I beat them when necessary and talk to them when necessary. I am aware that it is not every time that you beat your children. They might get used to being beaten and not take corrections. I know the time to use cane and I know when to talk to them.”

Nathaniel Agba, a media consultant, said he beats his children. “I spank them whenever they misbehave. Children do what you do and they rarely ever listen to what you say. But when you beat them, they know that Daddy will beat me if I do this. Mummy will spank me if I touch that. People might want to be sentimental and not beat their children but it is a necessary evil,” he said.

Kemi Awodigba, 42-year-old nurse, said she doesn’t spank her children. “My children didn’t really give me problems, to be honest. Maybe because I was open-minded and I always told them they can talk to me always. I discovered early in life that it is better to be their friends than their enemies. But children will always be children. I spanked them when they were younger but I did that very few times. They know what is right from wrong except they want to be naughty on purpose. That is when my cane comes in. But asides that, talking to them is the way to go. It worked for me,” she said.

Ikechukwu Daniel, 34, told LifeXtra that he is not the type that beats his child. He said, “I don’t beat my daughter. She is eight years old and I can say I have beaten her on only four occasions. I don’t like to see her cry so I usually prefer to scold her than beat her. Her mother does more of the spanking.”