Writing lasting and impactful books

Many years ago, Sheikh Hussein Zakaria told me the secret of books that last. “They were written with ikhlas,” Malam said. That is, the authors purify their intentions and wrote the books absent of  ego or desires for fame. In other words, if you do it for God, God would do the rest for you. […]

Writing lasting and impactful books

Many years ago, Sheikh Hussein Zakaria told me the secret of books that last. “They were written with ikhlas,” Malam said. That is, the authors purify their intentions and wrote the books absent of  ego or desires for fame.

In other words, if you do it for God, God would do the rest for you. Ustaz Zakaria then gave me examples of books that people have been using for hundreds of years. That simple conversation made a big impression on me.

‘How I started writing without a mentor’

Tears for Katsina are tears for Nigeria

As I read further I added another factor: impact. How many lives has the book changed? This is where the author’s effort comes in; because the first factor is not of your doing. But to create impactful books, one must do his homework; research well, read a lot and generally pick the shoulders of giants upon which to stand.

Therefore, while writing “The Social Science of Muhammad (SAW)”, I kept these two points in mind. (The book is basically the life of Prophet Muhammad seen from the perspective of social science – mainly psychology.)

Accordingly, after it was delivered to me still hot from the press, the first person I gave it to was my son. “This is my new book,” I said to him while shaking his hand, “and you’re the first person I’m giving it to. May it outlast us both.” Then I gave the second copy to his mother.

Obviously, there’s no way I can tell if the book would last longer than me let alone my son.  But I can easily tell if the book is changing lives, that is, if it is impactful. So immediately people started buying, I hammered my ears to the ground; and almost immediately, and fortunately for me, readers started sending messages of how the book was changing their lives; from parenting styles to helping them cope with cancer to teaching to public speaking and writing to reducing gossip.

I’ve counted at least seven ways that the book has changed people’s lives. Here I will let the readers count the blessings themselves.

One: improved patience

“Every chapter of this book is a great read. But it is the chapters on patience which I must commend [because I lack patience]. They opened my mind to realize that impatience only makes things worse not better.”

    Aisha Tako, Suleja.

“I also found the chapter [on patience] very funny when you got attacked by thieves and the soldier with you ran to the bush and left you in the car. Then after realizing you needed patience or else you’ll lose your life, you controlled your emotions and begged them not to pull the trigger on you.

I am now a special needs assistant teacher and I feel like this chapter is connected to me because I need patience to be able to teach my kids.”

Jalila Idris, Abuja

“I have read your encounter with the road masters and have learnt a lot from the seige of Jerusalem.”

Asma’u Sirajo Amin, Abuja

Two: More tranquility in prayer

“Allah will reward you. The book speaks to me actually. It is an easy read. Also, the meditation through focus during salah I have been practicing it.”

Asma’u Sirajo Amin, Abuja

“I learnt that by praying, I did not only fulfill my obligations to Allah, but I also benefited physically through relieving myself of stress.

By inference, praying does not only benefit you in the hereafter, it also benefits you tremendously in one’s day to day life activities.

I have been practicing mindfulness through salat unconsciously, reading this chapter availed me the opportunity to practice same consciously.”

Ibrahim Yayaji, Abuja

“It reemphasised the very cardinal need of full concentration and dévotion to the Almighty in the most important act of worship. I tend to veer off atimes but with this great reminder i will  always remember your words and InshaAllah endeavour to concentrate fully in order to maximize the benefits of my Sallah in this world and the hereafter.”

AbdulRahman Gafai, Abuja

Three: coping with illness and stress

“Chapter 6 was like addressing me as a breast/spine cancer survivor of almost 16yrs,in pain and fear of death and the unknown,but the rasul alayhim salatu wasalam as been my role model and Nabiyi Ayyub alayhim salatu wasalam was a teacher of patience to us suffering from chronic disease hoping and praying that may Allah make me cancer free soon and all its complications,this book shld serve as a guide to us on all our life events in Sha Allah.”

– Haj Rahama Hamzah, Kano

Four: becoming better leaders

“As a leader, I now understand the best way to get people cooperate to achieve common a goal is through synchronous activity as behavioral sciences from the chapter reaveled.”

Musa Ibrahim, Zaria

Five: A reminder on  gossip

I couldn’t help but marvel at your ability to say so much in such a few words about the great cancer called gossip. Indeed, the best of mankind was Prophet Muhammad, who said, “Do not tell me about anyone of you; I like to meet each person with a clear mind”’.

Ibrahim Balogun, Abuja

Six: Parenting

“But the one that pulls at the strings of my heart is where you mentioned beating a child may corrupt them. Please pray that I am given patience with my children, as they always succeed in bringing the worst out of me and I frequently lose my patience with them. They are a lively overactive loud bunch with almost nothing to fear.”

Ami Nudra, Malaysia

“I read your book in two days and it was a delightful read! I learnt simple, practical yet effective methods of doing so many things! I especially liked the method of deflecting people from gossip by asking them about their lives. Alhamdulillah and thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge. My children will especially be glad- as I will never hit them again!”

Dr Fatima Damagun(Daily Trust columnist)

Seven: Improving public speaking and presentation

“In the chapter on numbers, Dr. Dooba expounded the distinctive gift of the Prophet, which himself explained as, “ I have been given precision in conveying message”. This great work of Dr. Dooba is a great guide for public speaking.“

– Dr. Abubakar Abubakar Umar, Malaysia


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