Yobe: Flood as an annual disaster

As we all know, it is the duty of state governments to ensure the provision of roads,

Yobe: Flood as an annual disaster
Yobe: Flood as an annual disaster

Whoever is living in Yobe State has witnessed a torrential rainfall at Ngelzarma town of Fune Local Government and some other parts of the state a  couple of years ago. In the past years, the state, also experienced deludge in both ancient and suburb areas of Potiskum town and its neighbouring villages.

Earlier this year, it happened in Gombe-Potiskum Highway near Fika town. And today the narrative remains monotone!

Since then, the Yobe State Emergency Management Agency (YOSEMA) led by Dr. Mohammed Goje is doing well in delivering assistance to the affected victims. And the management deserves to be commended for that effort. But we need to understand that this little sympathy is not enough.

As we all know, it is the duty of state governments to ensure the provision of roads, drainage and bridges to the nooks and crannies of their states not just in the capital city. Unfortunately, the Yobe State government seems unaware of the conditions and infrastructural needs in the other parts of the  state.

In this regard, the government must wake up from this long slumber  and comprehend that the masses are no longer unwitting of their fundamental rights and the responsibilities of government as well.

A report by YOSEMA confirmed that from 16th to 21st of August of 2021, about 400 houses lost their roofs and many other buildings collapsed, in Potiskum local government. Can you imagine the numbers, if we take the whole state’s data?

Yes, we can say that YOSEMA plays its role dexterously by distributing  food items to victims and even camps of the worse affected victims, but that can’t be enough truly.

How do you think a bag of rice and three pieces of roofing sheets can suppress the anger and relieve the pain of a collapsed house victim?

We must make effort and look into this matter properly. We must not allow reactions to continue like that.

How to control flood

First, I suggest that government should focus more on provision of  road and drainage, bridges in the suburban areas as well as thew ancient city, which will allow the free flow of water properly, as well as the rehabilitation of the neglected ones.

Then the provision of dams at some local governments to preserve the water for further use, and this will aid the economic growth of the state.


Ali Tijjani Hassan, Potiskum.