‘Youths have potential to make Nigeria hub for production of semiconductors’

Shehu Tijjani Abdullahi is the CEO of Amaltech Technologies. In this interview with Daily Trust, the first-class graduate from Middlesex University in Mauritius, explained how youth can champion Nigeria being a powerhouse for the production of semiconductors in Africa. Excerpt. How did you encounter semiconductors? My journey began as a software engineer, intrigued by how […]

‘Youths have potential to make Nigeria hub for production of semiconductors’

Shehu Tijjani Abdullahi is the CEO of Amaltech Technologies. In this interview with Daily Trust, the first-class graduate from Middlesex University in Mauritius, explained how youth can champion Nigeria being a powerhouse for the production of semiconductors in Africa. Excerpt.

How did you encounter semiconductors?

My journey began as a software engineer, intrigued by how devices worked. This led me to explore hardware and understand the manufacturing process. My passion for local content development and technological advancement drives me. While the journey has just started, a collaboration of Amaltech, National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI), Ministry of Solid Minerals and the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy can usher Nigeria into semiconductor prominence.

Could you explain the relationship between semiconductors and chips?

Semiconductors are the foundation of electronic devices and chips are produced from semiconductor materials. These materials, like silicon derived from silica sand, undergo processing to form wafers, on which chips are printed. The manufacturing process is similar to producing PCBs, but with higher complexity. Semiconductors are integral to daily life – the power devices like phones, electric cars, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality etc. Nigeria can become a global power by excelling in semiconductor technology, but our government hasn’t emphasised this potential.

Can you tell us about your vision for semiconductor technology in Nigeria?

My vision is to bring the realisation of semiconductor technology to Africa, particularly Nigeria. Semiconductor technology is vital for our nation’s growth and progress. If you observe global trends, leading nations like the U.S. and China heavily invest in semiconductor technology. The events of 2020 during the pandemic revealed the world’s vulnerability due to inadequate semiconductor investment. This exposed a significant gap in chip manufacturing, leading to supply shortages. Notably, there’s fierce competition between China and the U.S., centered around companies like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a pioneer in this field.

How can semiconductor technology help address economic challenges in Nigeria?

A breakthrough in semiconductor technology can significantly impact our economy. By processing raw materials locally, like silica sand and exporting semiconductor products, we can generate substantial foreign exchange revenue. Establishing industries for wafers and chips production will create jobs and boost our economy. This self-sufficiency can even stabilise our currency. For instance, if we process silica sand and produce wafers locally, companies like Samsung, Tesla and TSMC could be interested, resulting in a surge of foreign exchange earnings.

Do you believe there’s a need for a dedicated agency for semiconductor development?

Absolutely, semiconductor technology underpins every sector, making it a global necessity. Developing a specific agency focused on semiconductor technology is vital. It’s not about the government running it directly, but rather supporting private companies like ours, Amaltech Technologies. Leading countries like India and China follow this model, with the government providing incentives and policies. Private companies are more agile in executing such initiatives.

How can Nigeria’s youth contribute to this sector?

Our youths are incredibly talented and many Nigerians work in overseas semiconductor companies. To harness this potential, we must create awareness and emphasise semiconductor’s importance. This technology can drive job creation, local content development, and innovation. By showcasing successful examples like Amaltech, we can inspire young Nigerians to contribute to this transformative field.

How do you envision the next few years for Nigeria’s semiconductor industry?

The next few years are critical. With the right policies, collaborations and investments, we can transform Nigeria into a semiconductor hub. Our local industries will flourish, job opportunities will surge and we’ll experience technological advancement that rivals global leaders. In this enlightening discussion with Shehu Tijanni Abdullahi, it becomes evident that semiconductor technology holds the key to a new era of economic growth, technological innovation, and local content development in Nigeria. His visionary approach and resolute dedication illuminate the path towards realizing Nigeria’s potential on the global stage of semiconductor technology.