Bandits release 10 students of Kaduna Baptist school

Ten students of the Bethel Baptist Secondary School, Kaduna State have been freed. Channels Television reported that the students were released on Saturday after spending 75 days in captivity. States Agitating For Direct VAT Collection Joking – Masari PODCAST: Finances In Marriage: Who Pays For What? The students were among 121 kidnapped from their hostel […]

Bandits release 10 students of Kaduna Baptist school

Ten students of the Bethel Baptist Secondary School, Kaduna State have been freed.

Channels Television reported that the students were released on Saturday after spending 75 days in captivity.

The students were among 121 kidnapped from their hostel in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The television station reported that police authorities in Kaduna have yet to make any comment on the release of the students.

But a senior official of the school said that the students were released after an undisclosed amount of money was paid to the bandits.

The students have been reunited with their parents and taken to the hospital for treatment.

The release of the students on Saturday brings the total number of students who have regained freedom so far to 100. Twenty one other students of the school are held back in the custody of the bandits.