10 Ways to Enjoy Complete Freedom

Until you are free, you cannot rise. Take full delivery of your liberty through the following keys: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36) New service chiefs, end our nightmare Security agents rescue 4 kidnapped victims, capture 3 bandits in Kaduna Jesus does not set you free […]

10 Ways to Enjoy Complete Freedom

Until you are free, you cannot rise. Take full delivery of your liberty through the following keys:

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Jesus does not set you free and goes away; He hangs around to make you. Making is a process.

Each time we talk of deliverance the only thing that comes to most people’s mind is demons. But a person can be free of demons and still not be completely free. The aim of being free is to enhance the quality of life.

Complete liberty must therefore include…

• Mental and psychological well-being. You need a healthy mind to do well. Many have been hurt and are hurting from the past. You need to know what to do and which way to take in order to prosper. The Bible says you prosper as your soul prospers.

• Financial well-being.

• Physical well-being.

• Social well-being.

A slave has nothing of his own; he labours for others and toils in vain. When you are bound in any way, you are grossly limited. Until you are free, life is a misery. Joseph’s dream could not be actualized until he got out of prison. God who brought him out and promoted him is about to deliver and promote you. The very place where the devil plans to humiliate you is the place where God will honour you. God elevated Joseph in the very land of Egypt where he suffered as a slave and prisoner. God will honour you in this very land.

10 Ways To Enjoy Complete Freedom

1. Claim the finished work of Christ in its entirety.

2. Develop intimacy with the Lord. Constantly dwell in His presence. Love and worship Him in deep reverence. But the people that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits (Daniel 11: 32b).

3. Avoid sin. Keep away from door openers to the devil. Read the Ten Commandments and find out what to avoid. Keep yourself pure.

4. Avoid bad company: one that pulls you away from God and increases you tendency to disobey God.

5. Practice the truth you know. This is called faith. Miracles happen only to the believing. Doubts never produce your desired results. Stop advertising your doubts. Start celebrating your expectations of a miracle. Pay your tithes, sow seeds, practice forgiveness etc.

6. Get help. Get ministered to if you have not. A man lost his son and was experiencing a lot of difficulties and challenges. He was spending his resources and life savings also on taking care of his very sick sister. He then called a brother in church to narrate his woes. After listening to him, the brother decided it wasn’t anything he could handle himself so he referred him to me. This man obviously was under a massive satanic attack and bondage and needed help. I prayed for his liberty and his sister’s healing. I assured him that God had touched his sister and he left. A week later, he travelled home to see her completely healed. The sister told him how she had been dreaming of seeing dead people until she dreamt and saw a pastor praying for her and assuring her that God had replaced life with death. She woke up feeling well and got completely healed before the brother arrived.

The woman with the issue of blood met Jesus. Israel needed Moses. You may need someone. There are certain levels of ministration you cannot do for yourself. You need an experienced and anointed person to unravel mysteries concerning your situation as well as the solution.

7. Watch Your Tongue. Never give permission to your enemies through your words. Proverbs 18: 21 tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  Some turn their tongues against themselves. Jesus used His tongue effectively-He cast out demons with His Words, he calmed the raging storms, He silenced His enemies, and He healed with His words. He reigned with His mouth. “Where the word of a king is, there is power.” (Ecclesiastes 8:4). I asked that we call down fire into the foundation of our lives for a release from whatsoever had held us in captivity during the one All-Night. The following day a sister received a phone call from the village that one of her uncles that had been tormenting her in the dream hung himself at about 3.00am, the exact time we released the fire. Until you speak nothing happens.

Learn to resist the devil whenever he shows up with anything in your life that is contrary to the word of God. Realize that opposition is proof of your progress. It is not enough to defend yourself, you must be ready to take the battle to the enemy. Learn to use the weapons in the word of God. 1Pe 5:9, “Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” Jas 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” A brother gave a testimony of a strange experience one night. At about 3am one night, light went off and the brother who was awake, lit a candle and almost immediately, light was restored. He saw a frog on his son who was sleeping. He alerted his wife and they got hold of the frog. They decided to burn it. They then poured anointing oil on it before burning it. Just then the frog spoke with a human voice and said, “Don’t burn me.” That frog came on a mission for that child but it was aborted. The brother said that fear came on him at first but he summoned courage and burned the frog. Next time they come to your house they will be exposed and destroyed in Jesus name.

8. Employ the weapon of praise. Praise is your verbal and physical response to the greatness of God. Music…singing…worship…create an atmosphere for miracles. You are responsible for the climate you permit around you. The atmosphere you permit determines the product you produce. David’s music and worship cast devils out of King Saul. To enjoy continuous deliverance, make praise a permanent feature of your life.

9. Develop a hunger for the TRUTH: the Word of God. Only those who hunger and thirst after righteousness get filled. Pour the word over your mind daily. Until you prosper in your soul, you cannot prosper in your life. You cannot have sound results if you do not practice sound principles. Good things may happen once in a while to an ignorant person but a man of understanding enjoys constant dominion. Many are in the house but they do not know what is in the house. One of the things the anointing does is to teach us. 1John 2:27. Your understanding is your qualification for promotion. Sound knowledge is your access to unlimited supply. Many believers are illiterate in spiritual and financial education. As a result, they take wrong decisions and end up with wrong results. Wisdom is your passport to your Promised Land.

10. Pay your tithe faithfully and regularly. Also support the spread of the Gospel with your financial seeds.

Why are people incapacitated even after deliverance ministration? The greatest cause of bondage is lack of knowledge.

The Bible says, “They know not; neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.” (Psalm 82:5 – 7).

You can be free from demons but if you are ignorant of the principles and fall short in the practices, you will not prosper. That is why the Bible says, You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).

Seek for help today and you will enjoy freedom.

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: www.dayspringcmi.org e-mail: [email protected]

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