11 Tips To Include When Teaching Your Kid About Money

Teaching children about money management is an essential life skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. By instilling good financial habits early on, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with money and set them up for financial success in the future. In this article, we will discuss 11 tips to include […]

11 Tips To Include When Teaching Your Kid About Money

Teaching children about money management is an essential life skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. By instilling good financial habits early on, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with money and set them up for financial success in the future. In this article, we will discuss 11 tips to include when teaching your kid about money, focusing on the UK audience.

1. Start Early

Begin teaching your child about finance from an early age, as this will lay a strong foundation for their future financial understanding. Start by explaining basic financial terms and concepts. For instance, ‘payday loans‘ are short-term borrowing options used to cover immediate expenses until you receive your next salary. However, they often come with high interest rates, which refers to the cost of borrowing money or benefit from saving it.

‘Interest rate’ is a critical term to introduce, as it affects the cost of loans and the value of savings. Discuss how high-interest rates can make loans expensive and result in you owing more money than you initially borrowed.

Likewise, they should understand how interest can also work in their favor when they save money, causing their savings to grow over time.

By understanding these concepts, children can better grasp how money can be both earned and spent wisely.

2. Lead by Example

Children often learn habits and behaviours by observing adults around them, and this includes financial habits. Displaying prudent financial behaviours such as saving, budgeting, and making informed purchasing decisions can positively influence your child’s understanding of money management.

For instance, when grocery shopping, let your child see you compare prices and select items based on value and necessity, not just desire. Show them how you budget for household expenses, explaining why you allocate a specific amount for utilities, groceries, and savings.

Similarly, demonstrate the importance of saving by regularly contributing to a savings account and involving them in the process. Through your actions, your child can understand the significance of careful financial planning and making wise monetary decisions.

3. Teach the Difference Between Needs and Wants

One of the most fundamental concepts in financial literacy is understanding the difference between needs and wants. Needs are essentials we can’t live without, like food, shelter, and clothing. Wants, on the other hand, are things we desire but can live without, such as the latest toys, designer clothes, or expensive gadgets. It’s crucial to impart this understanding to your children to help them make informed spending choices

Let them see why it’s necessary to prioritise needs over wants when budgeting. You can put this into practice by involving them in shopping decisions.

For example, when doing the weekly shop, explain why you choose to buy certain items (the needs) before considering others (the wants). This tangible experience helps embed the concept, making it easier for them to apply it in their financial decisions in the future.

4. Set Savings Goals

Teach your child the importance of setting savings goals. Help them identify something they want to save for, such as a toy or a special outing. Break down the goal into smaller achievable targets and track their progress. This will teach them patience, delayed gratification, and the satisfaction of reaching their goals through saving.

5. Introduce Budgeting

Introduce your child to the concept of budgeting. Teach them how to allocate their money wisely by dividing it into different categories, such as saving, spending, and giving. Encourage them to track their expenses and adjust their budget as needed. This will help them develop good money management skills and avoid overspending.

6. Teach the Value of Earning

Teach your child the value of earning money through hard work. Encourage them to take on age-appropriate tasks or chores to earn pocket money. This will help them understand the connection between effort, earning, and spending. It will also instil a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility.

7. Introduce the Concept of Interest

Explain to your child the concept of interest and how it can work for or against them. Teach them about the benefits of saving money in a bank account that earns interest. You can also discuss the concept of borrowing money and the interest charges associated with it. This will help them make informed decisions about saving and borrowing in the future.

8. Teach the Importance of Giving

Encourage your child to develop a habit of giving. Teach them about the importance of helping others and making a positive impact in their community. You can involve them in charitable activities or encourage them to donate a portion of their savings. This will foster empathy, generosity, and a sense of social responsibility.

9. Discuss the Pitfalls of Impulse Buying

Explain to your child the pitfalls of impulse buying and the importance of making thoughtful purchasing decisions. Teach them to differentiate between needs and wants, and encourage them to think before making a purchase. Help them understand the value of comparing prices, reading reviews, and considering alternatives before spending their money.

10. Introduce the Concept of Early Debt Repayment

Teach your child about the concept of early debt repayment. Explain that borrowing money comes with interest charges and that paying off debts early can save money in the long run. Encourage them to avoid unnecessary debt and to prioritize debt repayment if they do borrow money in the future.

11. Encourage Entrepreneurship

Foster your child’s entrepreneurial spirit by encouraging them to explore ways to earn money through their own initiatives. Support their ideas and help them develop their skills and talents. This will teach them valuable lessons about creativity, problem-solving, and financial independence.


By incorporating these 11 tips into your child’s financial education, you can help them develop a strong foundation for managing money responsibly. Remember to adapt the lessons to your child’s age and understanding, and make learning about money fun and engaging. By equipping your child with these essential skills, you are setting them up for a financially secure future.