12 states to benefit from N64.3b urban water supply projects

Like its precursors – the 1st and 2nd NUWSRP –  the 3rd NUWSRP is being financed by the World Bank at the request of the Federal Government of Nigeria.Earlier this year, the Board of the World Bank approved a $400m (N64.3bn) loan for the implementation of the programme aimed at improving water supply and sanitation […]

12 states to benefit from N64.3b urban water supply projects
12 states to benefit from N64.3b urban water supply projects

Like its precursors – the 1st and 2nd NUWSRP –  the 3rd NUWSRP is being financed by the World Bank at the request of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
Earlier this year, the Board of the World Bank approved a $400m (N64.3bn) loan for the implementation of the programme aimed at improving water supply and sanitation service delivery in 12 states.
Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, Water and Sanitation Programme, World Bank, Mr. Alexander Danilenko, said the loan has a 30-year repayment time with a five- year grace period.
The project has three components.  The first component includes the rehabilitation and expansion of water production and distribution facilities in six states for which $250m has been budgeted; and Small Towns Water Supply Improvement under an Output Based Aid.
Others are technical assistance to support consolidation of water sector institutional and regulatory reform, including establishment and elaboration of respective legal and regulatory frameworks and entities; capacity building of sector staff; institutional reforms; technical and legal studies, tariff and demand studies, including serving vulnerable populations such as the poor.
Rehabilitating and replacing aging and ill maintained pipes and collectors; improving and extending services to the potential customers; restoring capacity of water intake facilities and treatment plants, and storage capacity are also others. Installation and provision of equipment and facilities that will permit a more technical management of the water system, including managing water quantity, i.e. bulk and micro-meters, billing and accounting system, GIS and geo-referencing software, equipment and appliance, including customer management  and office space; as well as water quality, such as water quality laboratories, equipment, chemicals and associated facilities are also included.
In Bauchi State,  civil works to be implemented under the component would cover the city of Bauchi and would specifically entail improvement of the transmission capacity from Gubi Dam treatment facilities to guarantee uninterrupted water supply from Bauchi Water Treatment Plan to 22,000 m3 clear water reservoirs, from where water is distributed to the city of Bauchi.
Rehabilitation of 50km of the water distribution network in high-density population areas of the city, serving among others the poor residents; replacement of dysfunctional and installation of new water meters at production and major distribution points at the network. Others are connecting meters into a system that supports operation and investment decision process; equipping and rehabilitation of the water treatment plant laboratory to provide accurate and timely information on water quality to Bauchi State Water Board; and emergency interventions for ensuring Safe Water Supply to finance the implementation of the activities  recommended by the dam safety review undertaken during project preparation for Gubi Dam.
The second component of the programme with a budget of $55m, would finance studies, training, goods, emergency and rehabilitation works and services in up to 12 selected states including Kano, Gombe, Benue, Jigawa, Ondo, Abia, Bayelsa, Anambra, and Plateau and the Federal Capital Territory to provide the basis of reform. This included establishment of water policy and law, customers enumeration (cadastral), improving revenue billing and collection, tariff reform, regulatory reform, improving utility financial management and accounting systems, reduction of non-revenue water including supply and installation of macro- and micro metering, implementation of limited emergency works to maintain minimum service standards, and strategic training of the State Water Agency (SWA) staff as well as development of urban water supply master-plans.
The third component of the 3rd NUWSRP will implement Institutional Reform, Capacity Building and Project Management at the federal level and will be financed with a budget of $15 million.