13th biz confab: NBA-SBL focuses on agriculture, jobs

Arrangement has been concluded for no fewer than 100 young lawyers nationwide to attend the 13th Annual Business Law Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association-Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), scheduled to hold in Lagos. The NBA-SBL is one of the specialist sections of the Nigerian Bar Association, established to enhance professional development of commercial lawyers, […]

13th biz confab: NBA-SBL focuses on agriculture, jobs

Arrangement has been concluded for no fewer than 100 young lawyers nationwide to attend the 13th Annual Business Law Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association-Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), scheduled to hold in Lagos.

The NBA-SBL is one of the specialist sections of the Nigerian Bar Association, established to enhance professional development of commercial lawyers, support law and policy reforms in Nigeria and indeed Africa.

Chairman of the 2019 conference planning committee, Dr Ade Adefulu, stated this at a news conference on Friday, in Lagos, to herald the conference scheduled to hold from June 26 to June 28.

The conference is themed ‘Growth, Investment, and Employment, Beyond Rhetoric’ even as it focuses on the economy.

According to Adefulu, the SBL will sponsor the attendance of 100 young lawyers, while also financing their upkeep during the conference.

In his remarks, chairman of SBL, Mr. Seni Adio (SAN), said the section was proud of its achievement over the years, as it had contributed in no small measure to economic advancement in the country.

According to him, the section has also enjoyed sponsorships from various law firms and business outfits, who believe in its goal, adding that the SBL will continue to do its best in contributing its quota to economic growth.

On her part, the Vice Chairman of the Conference Planning Committee, Mrs. O. Ogiemudia, said SBL will also see to the hosting of a general council summit on June 25, which will discuss perspectives in shaping the role of the general counsel.

She also said the SBL conference will focus on issues surrounding agriculture as mainstay of the country’s economy.