14 Borno schools train in farming to support education

Plan International Nigeria, an international humanitarian organisation has started a training for 14 secondary schools in Borno on food sufficiency in hopes of supporting education that’s suffered devastation in the state. The project started at Bolori Junior Secondary School in Maiduguri, with students from 14 schools across Konduga and Maiduguri metropolis. Kano Bride-to-be: Why I […]

14 Borno schools train in farming to support education

14 borno schools train in farming to support battered education sector

Plan International Nigeria, an international humanitarian organisation has started a training for 14 secondary schools in Borno on food sufficiency in hopes of supporting education that’s suffered devastation in the state.

The project started at Bolori Junior Secondary School in Maiduguri, with students from 14 schools across Konduga and Maiduguri metropolis.

It hopes to get young people interested and knowledgeable in investing in small-scale agriculture.

“The projects is education, but it has agriculture components as well, so we are expecting these students to grow what they eats,” said Believe Eke, project coordinator for Borno State’s EU Response Support for Resilience and Recovery.

“It is garden supplement feeding for the students so it is get them young in agriculture.

“With this project the education sector will be able to support the economy of this country.

“We have carrot, pepper, cabbage, beans, onions and others. We know it is going to be a good initiative to support the schools feeding.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Bulama Gana assured that the project will receive maximum support stakeholders in the agriculture sector, government agencies and partners.

He charged the principals of the selected schools to ensure that the project succeeds and warned that any school that failed to grow the seedlings would be sanctioned.

“The project is the first of its kind in the whole state, it will help us a lot, if they can produce enough this would further reduce the cost the state government incurred. It is a tremendous step to ensure self-sufficient,” Bulama said.

“The notion of food as a right derives from the fact that every human being needs food to live. Staying alive is a fundamental and inalienable right of everyone which no one else, government or group should be denied.”

Mohammed Alkali, Head Teacher of Bolori Primary School, thanked the EU/PLAN for the development and assured that all the farm inputs received would be a channel to the farm.