1436AH: Ushering the new hijrah year

However, one thing that was certain is that 1435AH would have ended by Thursday or Friday; making today the first or second day of the new Islamic year. For those who are not familiar with this calendar, the historic migration (hijrah) of the Prophet (SAW) in 622CE from Makkah, his birthplace, to Madinah where he […]

1436AH: Ushering the new hijrah year
1436AH: Ushering the new hijrah year

However, one thing that was certain is that 1435AH would have ended by Thursday or Friday; making today the first or second day of the new Islamic year. For those who are not familiar with this calendar, the historic migration (hijrah) of the Prophet (SAW) in 622CE from Makkah, his birthplace, to Madinah where he lived until his death in 632CE marked the beginning of the hijrah calendar 1,436 years ago.
The demise of some emirs including Alhaji Ado Bayero of Kano as well as the emirs of Gombe, Agaie and Gwoza; the bomb attack in Kaduna on General Muhammadu Buhari and Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi; the many strike actions by medical and health workers; the clampdown by the military on some newspaper houses; the assault by political thugs on a judge in Ekiti state; the illegal haulage of $15million ‘arms cash’ and its eventual seizure in South Africa are some of the sorrowful and unfortunate events that subjugated the life of Nigerians in the past twelve months.
Nonetheless, we have every cause to be grateful to Allah (SWT) regardless of the socio-economic predicaments bedeviling us as a nation. The most important thing is that we are alive. Whether it is success or failure at personal or societal level, only the living celebrates! Some of those who witnessed the beginning of the previous year (1435AH) did not live to see the close of it. Hence, it is a privilege that we are alive. We must therefore consider the privilege as a respite for us to repent from our sins and seek Allah’s guidance in all matter.
Health, which is enormous wealth that many of us enjoy without appreciation also suffices a reason for us to give gratitude to our creator as the new hijrah year begins. There are several other reasons why we should give glory to Allah (SWT). Many find it easier to recollect sad moments than to remember Allah’s blessings. Let us thank Allah for everything. Allah (SWT) affirms in Qur’an 14:7 ‘…if ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you…’ We thank Allah (SWT) that 1435AH was without flood disasters. We give gratitude to Him (SWT) for a blessed farming season even though the rains were initially irregular. We are also grateful to Allah (SWT) for His mercy in containing the Ebola scourge in Nigeria.  
Ushering or celebrating a new hijrah year by Muslims goes beyond merry-making. It is a period for us to check whether our al-Kafan (the white sheet for shrouding the dead) is still intact or has changed colour due to long period of storage. If anything has happened to it, now is the period to replace it. If you have not provided yourself with one, you are probably one of those who do not remember that death is an inevitable event that awaits every mortal. If you live in a place where people buy land to bury the dead, you should inquire at a time like this whether the C of O for such a land (if you have acquired one) is still valid, expired or revoked. The beginning of a new hijrah year should equally be used to update our wills (wasiyyah). Imam Bukkhari and Muslim both relate on the authority of Ibn Umar (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said: ‘It is not right for a Muslim who has properties or wealth to bequeath, that he should pass two nights without having a testamentary will with him’.
The beginning of a new hijrah year similarly marks the beginning of a new fiscal year in Islam. It is therefore important for us as Muslims to get acquainted with the figures of monetary Zakkat worked out in accordance with the current value of gold (dinar) and its naira equivalence. According to figures recently released by the Timing Chapter of the Society for the Propagation of Islam (in Nigeria), the minimum taxable amount of money (called Nisab in Arabic) upon which 2 1/2% is payable as Zakkat in the year 1436AH is put at N569,640.00 which is the current cost of 20 pieces of dinar. The minimum amount of money payable as dowry as well as the least theft of property that can attract amputation of hand for the period 1436AH is N7,120.50 which is the cost of a quarter of a gold (rub’u dinar). The sum of N28, 482,000.00 (which is the value of 1,000 dinar) is the blood-money (diyyah) payable for manslaughter.
The Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) recommends for believers to observe voluntary fast next week on the 9th (Tasu’ah) and 10th (’Ashurah) of the first month (Muharram) of the Islamic year. Let us use this period of devotion to pray to Allah (SWT) to shower His mercy upon us by bringing the intractable insurgency in parts of the country to an end. Let us seek Allah’s divine intervention in the general elections scheduled to hold in the next few months; beseeching Him to handle (in the interest of the masses of this country) those who do not wish Nigeria and Nigerians well.
Let us begin the New Islamic Year with sincere resolutions which should include repenting from our sins, big and small. Let us promise Allah (SWT) that we will henceforth abide by his injunctions. O Allah! Give us the ability and capacity to do good at all times. Guide the corrigible from our leaders to lead with piety, justice and equity; and take the incorrigible ones out of the country’s path to greatness. Let us equally resolve to shun anything that is forbidden (haram) from what we eat, drink or wear so that our prayers may be accepted by Allah (SWT). Unless we resolve to earn our living from legitimate sources, our prayers as explained in the tenth hadith of Imam Annawawi’s collection of the forty traditions are not likely to be heard. May Allah (SWT) remove anybody and anything that constitutes an impediment to our becoming a prosperous nation, amin. I say to all Kullu Aamin Wa Antum Bi-Alfi Khairin! Happy New Year!