1,500 women, youths for skills training in Borno

A total of 1,500 vulnerable women and youths affected by Boko Haram conflict have been selected for training in various productive ventures in Borno State. The Programme Manager LikeMinds Project, Mr. Meekam Mgbenwelu said during a stakeholders meeting in Maiduguri that the Economic Empowerment Schemes would check rural urban migration. “We will commend the training […]

1,500 women, youths for skills training in Borno

A total of 1,500 vulnerable women and youths affected by Boko Haram conflict have been selected for training in various productive ventures in Borno State.

The Programme Manager LikeMinds Project, Mr. Meekam Mgbenwelu said during a stakeholders meeting in Maiduguri that the Economic Empowerment Schemes would check rural urban migration.

“We will commend the training next week and the training will last for 3 weeks.”Meekan said.

The Projects Manager LikeMinds, Haija Fatima Bukar Biri said they had discussed with community leaders of the areas to select IDPs and vulnerable women in the communities.