From my mailbox

Re: If Only You KnowAssalam alaikum,I always enjoy reading your articles on the experiences of the average northern woman and this latest publication of yours is one of my best.I have noticed that any discussion on the lack of support women face is met with denial by people outside their homes and they are always […]

From my mailbox
From my mailbox

Re: If Only You Know
Assalam alaikum,
I always enjoy reading your articles on the experiences of the average northern woman and this latest publication of yours is one of my best.
I have noticed that any discussion on the lack of support women face is met with denial by people outside their homes and they are always discouraged from disclosing the hurt they feel when their issues are trivialised.
Sometimes all a woman needs is encouragement but she is denied that and even when she manages to achieve things on her own, she faces constant criticisms and in some cases may even get thrown out of her home if she insists on pursuing her dreams. Our society is becoming more patriarchal by the day and as such, this attitude of thwarting our ambitions and denying us achievements is interpreted by our spouses as love and chivalry!
I know that, more often than not, reconciling religious beliefs with issues such as careers for women is difficult but i pray that our spouses will understand the fact that some of us have dreams of our own and that we would never look down on them no matter what we achieve. We will also never compromise our integrity or the happiness of our families in the pursuit of those dreams.
Thank you for writing about those issues that bother us but which we have no avenue to voice out. It’s consoling to know that those problems do exist and are not peculiar to just a few people. Also thank you for writing about them without any bitterness or vengeful attitude, it’s certainly soothing to read about them without any accompanying feminist message.
Best regards.
Habiba Sadiq

Salam, This week’s Albint was very interesting. Please we’ll like to know whether that wicked husband agreed to the ministerial appointment. Men can be so selfish. I know of a young lady who was studying pharmacy and had a suitor who was studying Economics. He told her that for him to marry her she’ll have to change her course. Of course, that was the last time she ever spoke to him. He got an automatic red card.
May Allah continue to bless this column.
Fatima Dikko. <[email protected]>;

RE: the price tag
I can’t still believe what I read in the ‘The price tag’. Can men be mischievous to this extent? Do men with this nature really exist? No I think they don’t otherwise how can they be plotting a way to Jahannam for a wife whom they claim to love? May Almighty Allah save us from these kind of men, amin.
Hameeda Yusuf. <[email protected]>;

With Due Respect
Good day Al-Bint. I have been following your weekly and I am very happy to be among the fortunate and lucky ones that are reading and learning a great deal from it. I have tried my best to get my mates to get involved in following your magical, interesting and helpful stories and Politics of Grammar, I really enjoy reading them, unfortunately only a little success was recorded because some of them had not formed the habit since from the beginning. I have also been trying my hand at creative writing. As of now, I have three written stories/fiction. Prof. Aliyu Kamal edited the first one I wrote, The Stubborn Fulani Woman and Her Patient Husband, I am very grateful to him, he is a visiting lecturer in our school. With God’s help, and through regular practice and help from the likes of you, I would get better and be successful. I also hope to do my master’s degree in Creative Writing. Thanks for the inspiration.
Kind Regards
Ahmad Musa Karaye

You’ve solved it all
I’ve been reading Albint’s diary for over four years now, I really find it interesting reading your article, I’ve learnt a lot on this page and I really appreciate your effort. Though I was always wondering if the articles are real or fiction, Alhamdulillah you’ve solved the mystery when you answered this question recently in your ‘defence’.  Though I am not yet married I have encountered several kinds of men through Albint. May Allah bless you and your family, ameen.
Rabia Shehu. <[email protected]>;

Re: The price tag
An interesting piece. Indeed so many people view public office as a means of enriching themselves. But in a situation whereby parents are all thinking of taking their children abroad for studies and with the high rate of school fees very few will be able to pay their bills with halal resources. May Almighty Allah guide our society. Ameen
Mustapha. <[email protected]>;

Re: For your viewing pleasure
This is really a common occurrence among young couples these days. Some husbands prefer to see their wives overdressed while going out without Hijab. They think it is the only way they can show off to their friends and other non mahrams that they have beautiful and adorable wives. Why will you show off something that is a garment for you?
Hijab is commanded to us in the holy Quran and Sunnah, We should always try to abide by the teachings of the religion so as to enjoy the bounties of these world and hereafter. Nice and educative write up indeed!
Zaharaddeen Aliyu. <[email protected]>;

Re: My acting husband: Al-Bint’s defence
Salam, I am a dedicated follower of your diary. I  don’t think you need to apologise to anyone on any issue because your intention is clear. I have learnt so much from you, most especially on moral issues. Thank you and God bless.
Best regards,
Ahmad Albasu. <[email protected]>;

Assalam Alaikum, Aunty Bint, I’ve been reading your articles for a while now and I think they are wonderful. I’ve been looking forward to the compiled edition of your column but unfortunately it isn’t available yet. But I want to ask if there is a way we can subscribe to these articles because I’m sure that there are students like me who would love to read them but do not have easy access to them.
Thank you very much and regards.
Ibrahim Aminu. <[email protected]>;

Re: A live punching bag I & II
Salam Albint. I read your article “ a live punching bag” with sadness and confusion in my mind. How can a man who said I love you and spent a lot to get married to a woman then change into a monster? Wallahi drinking is not an excuse to beat up even an animal not to talk of a human being. This means the intention to beat must be there even before the drinking. I often wonder how a man who beats his wife will feel if someone beats his daughter. Sadiya should run while she still has the time before he kills her. Women should understand the delicate nature of our physique and refuse to allow men to destroy it by punching. Thanks for another well-treated topic.
Fatima Ahmadu. <[email protected]>;


Congrats and best wishes

Dedicated Al-Bint fan Musa Muhammad recently got married to his heart-throb Fareeda Suleiman Dasin. Congratulations to them and the very best of wishes for a blessed and blissful marriage. Though Musa has his collection of this column that dates back to the year 2000, he nevertheless wanted to present his bride with the compiled copy of the diary, which in 2013 I announced will be ready by the end of this year. Unfortunately the Al-Bint book project ran into a hitch and is not ready for publishing yet. But I hope to get it published soon insha Allah. Until then I wish Musa and Fareeda every happiness.