20 youths receive COMITAS training in Adamawa

A non-governmental organisation, Search For Common Ground (SFCG), have inducted 20 social media influencers/ youths on Contributing…

20 youths receive COMITAS training in Adamawa

A non-governmental organisation, Search For Common Ground (SFCG), have inducted 20 social media influencers/ youths on Contributing to the Mitigation of Conflict over Natural Resources (COMITAS). 

It said the aim was  to counter divisive narratives of social media on processes to curb the farmer/herder crisis in the North East. 

Head of Office of SFCG, Christ Obonna, said the COMITAS project is a nine-month media fellowship to assist 20 youths in understanding the dynamics  of  farmer/herder conflict due to the level of social media influence they have and  to enable them to disseminate and change the narratives positively to their followers. 

He said young people have energy, time, skills and capacity but need to rechannel those positively so that they can positively influence either their peers or community, providing the right perspective towards the conflict not promoting prejudices or biases. 

Media coordinator of SFCG, Adamawa, Nandak Chinle, said  the project is aimed at improving inter/intra communal perceptions that are trying to change the way people think, trying to get them to be more tolerable with each other. 

A participant, Miss Adek Bassey, said the COMITAS fellowship has proved inclusiveness of the young people towards addressing conflict resolutions among farmer/herders and would apply such in her work.