2015 elections: Those running abroad

But what makes me wonder is those that have taken their families abroad, so that nothing bad will happen them. If any violence happens they would be far away ensconced in luxury while their compatriots  are stuck in Nigeria with nowhere to go, but then diaris God in everything we do, and God will see […]

2015 elections: Those running abroad
2015 elections: Those running abroad

But what makes me wonder is those that have taken their families abroad, so that nothing bad will happen them. If any violence happens they would be far away ensconced in luxury while their compatriots  are stuck in Nigeria with nowhere to go, but then diaris God in everything we do, and God will see us through.
Definitely by taking the wife and the children out of the country to safety, what of their parents (if they are alive) and the sisters and the brothers and the aunties and uncles and so on?
Where a man may include his mother, what about the wife’s mother, would such a wife have a peace of mind that while she is safe, her mother would be in danger?
For example, where one newly married young girl was taken by her husband to another town because of the insurgency in the northeast, the girl was always crying and insisted on going back because of her mother. So no matter the risk, she couldn’t imagine a contented life away from the insurgency, as long as her mother is there.
It is a sad tale that your brother or sister could take their families and leave you behind to rot or die.
Well, let’s assume that your brother is able to take you with him, what about your husband and children. Can a mother run away abroad and leave her children to risk whatever may befall them?
A friend was asked to take her children and go abroad, particularly to Dubai, but she laughed, saying, “We can’t all run away.”
But if all those that can afford to take their families  run away, what would those left behind do and think?
And if nothing bad happens and those that ran away come back, how would they look those left at home in the eye, would they tell them they love them and miss them?
In any case,  these same people that are running away in the first sign of danger because of the ominous  political atmosphere  may one day stand for election, need people’s votes, and promise good representation.
It is at that time that the people may remind them of how they abandoned them so they couldn’t have cared that much for them now to represent them, unless they want the political office to enrich themselves, and probably buy other houses abroad.
No wonder the trend now is for the wealthy and top government officials to buy houses abroad, apparently in case of any eventuality, a part from using them as holiday homes. But as safe havens.
Even for the fact that the rich are running away to safety, the government and the politicians and of course the ordinary people that have no means of running away should strive to have a peaceful election, so as not to create chaos.
Besides, if the ordinary people take arms against one another, or go on rampage, they would still be in the country suffering the aftermath, while those abroad would be sleeping in comfort.
However, this is not saying that those with money should not enjoy their wealth,  only that in some enjoyment there are consequences.
I can’t imagine any of my brothers taking his family abroad because of the fear of election violence and leaving me behind. I would think; am I not also his ‘family’? What about my children, what about….., what about? The list can stretch, because it is not only your brothers and sisters that are your relations, what about the cousins, nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, the neighbours and the helpless?