2015: Time we tried something else

Our leaders have been making tremendous efforts and taking steps to move the nation forward but evidently things have not worked out the way we expected. We have seen the best this leadership can do especially in the political sphere, economic sector, security, health, education, basic infrastructure, endless empty promises, and corruption.We have seen how […]

2015: Time we tried something else
2015: Time we tried something else

Our leaders have been making tremendous efforts and taking steps to move the nation forward but evidently things have not worked out the way we expected. We have seen the best this leadership can do especially in the political sphere, economic sector, security, health, education, basic infrastructure, endless empty promises, and corruption.
We have seen how our leaders feed fat and live ostentatiously on our common wealth and they always get away with it. Amidst the abundance of human, capital and mineral resources, we still wallow in the third world, while countries with lesser endowments thrive more than us. This is where the leadership has led us. One would say, Nigeria is a largely a heterogeneous country with many tongues, ideas and interests, and this makes the country literally ungovernable.
Well, who is to blame for that? There are questions about followership too. It is often said that a society gets the kind of leadership it deserves? Does that mean we are doomed forever as our followership has its flaws too? But whether the future is bright or not, we really need a re-orientation, a renaissance. We need to change direction, our reasoning; our ways, reshape our understanding, our drive, our perception and the likes. We need a change of guard.
We have been under a particular line of thought for a while now, let’s try another hand, even though it’s not bankable, we might just see the change we yearn for. In plain terms, one political party has led us since our return to democracy some 15 years ago; it is obvious continuity is not what we need now. While all parties and politicians are pretty much the same old wine repackaged, we should try out another ideology, another political party and see where that leads us in the next few years as we further look for ways to remove Nigeria from the throes of underdevelopment and oppression.

Farotimi Dolapo, University of Ibadan

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