2016 Cyber secure Nigeria conference to hold in Abuja

Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), said plan is set to host the Cyber Secure Nigeria 2016 Conference with the theme, “Emerging Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures” on 6th – 7th, April in Abuja. The President of the association, Remi Afon, said the seminar is aimed to share cyber security best practice and help […]

2016 Cyber secure Nigeria conference to hold in Abuja
2016 Cyber secure Nigeria conference to hold in Abuja

Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), said plan is set to host the Cyber Secure Nigeria 2016 Conference with the theme, “Emerging Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures” on 6th – 7th, April in Abuja.

The President of the association, Remi Afon, said the seminar is aimed to share cyber security best practice and help combat cyber threats and cybercrime in the country.

In a statement, Afon disclosed that organized Cyber Crime are becoming more sophisticated and widespread, possessing technological and economic capabilities to perpetrate high profile crimes, such as money laundering, human trafficking, intellectual property and trade secret theft, political or military espionage.

“With the rapid growth of cyber threats in today’s internet-dependent world, it has never been more important to ensure that government, business and society are equipped to combat cyber-attacks.,” he said.

The president noted that Cyber-attacks are nothing new, but their consequences have recently become more significant, saying the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), the proliferation of connected devices and the growth of cloud computing all mean that organization’s “attack surfaces” are growing.

He noted that the theme was apt to review emerging threats in cyberspace, address privacy rights and national security approaches online, analyse business vulnerability to cyber-crime and address what can be done to improve security across government and public organisations in Nigeria.” 

Cyber Security Industry Practitioners, business owners, financial institutions, telecommunications industry, government ministries departments and agencies (MDAs), academia, law enforcement agencies including the armed forces among others were expected to be in attendance.