2017 Hajj: Kwara disqualifies 3 pregnant women

Kwara State Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board has disqualified three pregnant women from performing the 2017 pilgrimage. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 1,465 intending pilgrims from the state have been medically certified for the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The Executive Secretary of the board, Alhaji Mohammed Tunde-Jimoh told NAN that the disqualified women had […]

2017 Hajj: Kwara disqualifies 3 pregnant women

Kwara State Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board has disqualified three pregnant women from performing the 2017 pilgrimage.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 1,465 intending pilgrims from the state have been medically certified for the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

The Executive Secretary of the board, Alhaji Mohammed Tunde-Jimoh told NAN that the disqualified women had been notified.

“The exclusion of the three pregnant women detected after the medical screening of the intending pilgrims is not punitive, but to safeguard their health and that of the babies”, he said.

Tunde-Jimoh said those confirmed with minor ailments will be allowed to carry their approved prescribed drugs to the holy land.

He warned the intending pilgrims not to engage in drug trafficking and other negative tendencies capable of tarnishing the image of the country.

NAN reports that the board had begun distribution of bags, clothing and other essential materials to the intending pilgrims ahead of the state inaugural flight on Thursday. (NAN)