2019: MY VOTE IS…(II)

In continuation of our Series on MY VOTE IS… as we head towards the 2019 Elections (which is also available at https://saturdaycolumn.blogspot.com/), today we discuss the tragedy of Kidnapping and Banditry that have befallen us as a result of the lackadaisical attitude of our governments in the matter of security. Other sundry issues also feature […]

2019: MY VOTE IS…(II)

Voter cards collection low in Rivers, says INEC official

In continuation of our Series on MY VOTE IS… as we head towards the 2019 Elections (which is also available at https://saturdaycolumn.blogspot.com/), today we discuss the tragedy of Kidnapping and Banditry that have befallen us as a result of the lackadaisical attitude of our governments in the matter of security. Other sundry issues also feature – readers can still send in their 100-word contributions for inclusion in subsequent weeks:

COLUMNIST – MY VOTE IS…Against Kidnapping: Zamfara and Katsina States sadly joined Abuja-Kaduna Expressway and Kaduna-Birnin Gwari Road as centres of kidnapping and banditry. Calls for State of Emergency in Zamfara, and significantly from its own Governor (who, incidentally, has only a few months of immunity remaining), have fallen on no ears. Now that a new police boss has been named, we hope things will change. We remember those six ‘glorious’ weeks when, at the closure of Abuja Airport, thousands of security personnel were deployed on Abuja-Kaduna road. Not a single report of kidnapping or armed robbery. But alas! The cordon was only meant for the elite and, as soon as the airport reopened, the security men left, and left us at the mercy – and wickedness – of kidnappers. In the tragic incidences of kidnapping, victims and relatives are left to their own devices; no support whatsoever from government. No counselling. No assistance or loan to pay ransom. Many a victim family who first rushed to security agencies for help ended up regretting it; in one instance, the kidnappers were said to have told the family that they were aware that they had spoken to such security outfit at such a time. That is why many of us think some security personnel are in cahoots with the criminals. The new IGP should, as a matter of urgency, do these three things – Watchtower; Mobility; Transfer. The Watchtower is a simple technology which has been deployed in insecurity situations. Manned watchtowers should be built along the corridors of kidnapping and banditry all over the country. Corporate entities will rush as their Corporate Social Responsibility. The watchtowers should be manned 24/7 and well lighted at night, with binoculars and walkie-talkies with complement of ‘ground forces’ to strike or prevent. On Mobility, the patrols on our roads should not be stationary. Sometimes they claim ‘there is no fuel’ according to the many informants. Patrols must be mobile for them to deserve the term ‘patrols.’ With watchtowers in place to complement their work, mobile patrols can be very effective. Unless, as suspected by many, the security agencies ‘sell’ parts of the roads to criminals. On Transfer, many people suggest there should be massive transfers of all security officers, rank and file manning many of the notorious roads.

Hussaina Gummi, Near East University, Cyprus ([email protected]): “My vote is for anyone who is sensitive to the genocide going on in Zamfara State. We have been relegated to the background as if we are not citizens of this country. Our present woes start and end with insecurity. Our people are not enjoying any dividends of democracy. Our governor appears insensitive, clueless or helpless. The lives of Zamfara citizens are endangered. They deserve to be secured. My vote is for security of life in Zamfara.”

Abbati Gumel, Kano ([email protected]): “My vote is against bribery and corruption, and for honest and transparent candidates. My vote is seriously against the ‘Cabal’, but for a dedicated ‘Team’ that would move this country forward. My vote is against ‘Nepotism’ and sectional interest, but for the Unity and Progress of the country. I hope this series will ginger political aspirants add to their ‘Watch List’ of tasks to do when given the mandate.”

Jamilah Shehu (Ummu Raudah), D/Kudu, Kano ([email protected]): “My vote is for representatives that will enact laws to help in the development of the North through provision of critical infrastructure. My vote is for any legislative aspirant that would have the courage to move for the impeachment of deviant executives who fail to do the right thing. My vote is for the completion of Kano Western Bypass and Kano-Maiduguri Roads and, like the Columnist, the start of the Kano end of the Kano-Lagos rail modernisation. If not, they lose my vote.”

Yusuf Muhammad Anas ([email protected]): “My vote is for the leader who will allot money for the commencement of Kano-Kaduna end of the modern rail and ensure the speedy completion of the project. I’m also thinking of that candidate whom they call ‘nepotistic’ and they accuse of ‘marginalising’ other geopolitical zones when in actual fact he has assigned all the ‘juiciest’ ministries to his accusers. I don’t care who takes what in allocation of offices – let the big names go to them BUT let the critical infrastructure come to us in the North!”

Alhaji Musa Muhammad Hadejia ([email protected]): “My Vote is for the leader that would rehabilitate the old rail line that runs Kano-Zakirai-Gagarawa-Kaugama-Malammadori-Birniwa and terminates in Nguru, before thinking of a wishful Kano-Kazaure-Daura-Katsina-Jibia-Maradi line. We are also citizens of this country, and our old rail line was famous for the groundnut pyramids and the hides and skins business. My vote is also for the leader who will continue to revive agriculture in the country, and especially in my State of Jigawa.”

Dahiru Nafiu ([email protected]): “My Vote is for a person with the highest integrity, who is respected, tested and trusted. My vote is for an incorruptible person who will provide infrastructural development in our area.”

COLUMNIST – MY VOTE IS…For A Real Reform Of Our Criminal Justice System: Related to the criminality of kidnapping discussed earlier, our criminal justice system is so porous criminals don’t fear it any more. The police are notoriously corrupt, the lawyers are worse, but the judges are the worst. In this situation, there is no way justice can stand. We want a leader who will copy from China the Remedy of Corruption: one looter, one bullet. In China, if you steal a certain amount and you are caught, you are tried, convicted, and shot. Your assets are forfeited to government, and heirs would not inherit the loot and will have pay for the government bullet used. Let Five Million Naira ‘misappropriation’ be the threshold in Nigeria, and amputation of the hands of those who still below the threshold. The law of Edo State on kidnapping, capital punishment, should be applied nationally whether the victim survives the kidnapping or not, and whatever the number of kidnappers. There should also be special tribunals for this despicable crime, with appeal only to the Supreme Court, lest the Western-backed-and-paid human rights lobby delays justice for victims. Armed Robbery should be as Kidnapping. And Drugs Trafficking. Capital Punishment. On Rape, there is a national phenomenal rise especially of minors, many of whom are also killed as collateral wickedness. Death penalty should continue to be applied for willful taking of life in any event, and especially in the case of rape and murder, whatever the number of rapists. In the event of the survival of the victim, rapist must be made to forfeit the tool used in committing the crime. In plain language, rapists must be neutered, castrated, eunuch’ed.