2021: A year full of unexpected predicaments

Each year comes with likes and dislikes. Many have broken the chain of singlehood, several petty traders have grown to shop owners, junior staff have gained promotions, level of poverty may have reduced but the bloodshed and extermination of innocent souls have significantly risen. As the year 2021 comes to an end, the year will […]

2021: A year full of unexpected predicaments
2021: A year full of unexpected predicaments

Each year comes with likes and dislikes. Many have broken the chain of singlehood, several petty traders have grown to shop owners, junior staff have gained promotions, level of poverty may have reduced but the bloodshed and extermination of innocent souls have significantly risen. As the year 2021 comes to an end, the year will remain engraved in the mind of every sensible creature in Nigeria and across the globe. The year came along with so many shocking tragic events.

The year is coming to an end but the events continue to ring the bell in the mind of people daily. Many occurrences have indeed marred the year 2021 and have imprinted scars that will not be erased easily. However, as an optimistic individual, I pray we shall not see a year as catastrophic as 2021 ever again.

Looking at the crises going on in Nigeria, killings, and kidnappings daily, religious and ethnic crises, and other tragic events that happened and still happening, I’m sure if it were another country that experienced these, depression would have been the next boiling and pressing issue. I must commend Nigerians for their resilience and tenacious strength. Security agents could not end the insecurity without our collective support and cooperation; we should continue giving the necessary details and report of suspicious elements around us.

What many could remember is that 2021 was not been safe on roads during travels, their children in schools, at places of worship, and even in their comfort zones. In 2021, kidnappers operated freely not only in the night but during the day, an uncountable number of innocent people who refused to follow them were shot dead. 

In a humble tone of advice, our leaders should always remain focused on what their primary assignment is. When I said our ‘leaders’, I mean the national and states assembly in charge of law-making, the president, governors, and agents saddled with the responsibility of executing same, the judiciary which is the interpreter of the law as well as the hope of the common man, the traditional leaders who conserve our traditions and values, and religious leaders who are God’s agents, and influential and well to do individuals who in one way or the other impact on our lives and the society in totality. 

Bye-bye to 2021 and its scars, May the New year come with innumerable greatness in all aspects. 

Usman Abdullahi Koli writes from Bauchi State.