2023 general election and the false ‘prophecies’

If the recently concluded presidential election ever produced any surprises such would most likely be the extent to which It exposed the depth of sickness and malaise in religious practices in our nation. This year’s election is probably the first in which we witnessed the religionization of politics and the politicization of religion on a […]

2023 general election and the false ‘prophecies’

If the recently concluded presidential election ever produced any surprises such would most likely be the extent to which It exposed the depth of sickness and malaise in religious practices in our nation. This year’s election is probably the first in which we witnessed the religionization of politics and the politicization of religion on a scale hitherto unknown in Nigeria’s annals. This year is the first in our history as a nation that a religious organization with a national outlook would transform, de facto, into a political party. This year is the first in which religious affiliation and tribal sentiment would be the reason voters would cast their ballots and politicians would seek the support of the electorates. For the first time in our annals, the pulpit was deployed fully in a ‘war’ against Islam. For the first time in Nigerian annals, the enemies of Islam openly swore to teach  Muslims a ‘lesson” by ensuring that that particular candidate whose choice of that other candidate as Vice was based mainly on political calculations loses the presidential election. The congregations were told by their handlers that their preferred candidate would win; ‘he is God’s choice for Nigeria’, they prophesied.

Yes. Weeks before the election, their places of worship were filled to the brim. Purveyors of spiritual capital became producers of ‘prophecies’.  Disconnected from reality and goaded by this animus against Islam and Muslims, the congregants were told by the fire-spitting and hatred-spewing conductors of their faith, that they have been told by God that it is their preferred candidate who would win the election.

But one of the ‘prophets’ did ‘better’ than his counterparts. He prophesied, after ‘seeing’ the future, that it was not their candidate that was declared the winner but the other candidate who happened to be the subject of their hate. However, he told his congregation that on the day the winner would be sworn-in, there is going to be a coup that would lead to the arrest of the winner of the presidential election and that eventually, it is the current Vice-President who shall be sworn in as President of an interim government. His congregation immediately jumped up in a frenzy, in approbation of the ‘prophecy’- a prophecy that feeds their imagination, satisfies their biases, and solaces them in their current state of denialism, of empty spiritualism, and arrant display of lack of rationalism.

Dear sister, I guess that you would agree with me that it is settled in Islam that our leader, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the last messenger of the Almighty after whom no other prophet shall be raised for humanity; that all presences and postures to the contrary shall till eternity constitute an indulgence in knavery,  fakery, and sophistry; and that these facts have been established in the last testament, the glorious Quran.

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Yes.  That he, Muhammad (s.a.w), is the seal of all Prophets has been ‘quranized’ as follows: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets, and Allah is cognizant of all things.” (33:40); that he affirms his status as the last of messengers in numerous traditions including the following: Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas has narrated from his father that the Messenger of Allah (S) said to Imam Ali (a.s.): ‘You are to me as Harun was to Musa (a.s.), except that there is no prophet after me’. This tradition is known as “the tradition of position” (Hadith Manzila) and is recorded in Shia and Sunni books through various channels and it proves that no other prophet is to come after the Prophet of Islam.

Yet again- It is reported that he once told his companions thus:

‘O people, no prophet is to come after me and there is no nation (Ummah) after you. So worship the Almighty, perform the five daily ritual prayers, observe the fasts of the month of Ramadan, perform the Hajj of Kaaba and pay the Zakat of your wealth, so that you become purified. Also, obey the ones who are vested with authority among you so that you may enter Paradise’.

But the above concerns our faith and fate, not them. Outside Islam, anybody can refer to himself as a prophet, mouth imponderables, utter treasonous statements, and still carry himself with ‘dignity’. Outside Islam, whenever reality puts their ‘prophecies’ to shame, they shrug it off. The congregants are told that the failure of that ‘prophecy’ is in itself another prophecy and the congregants would jump up again in approbation!!!

Thank the Almighty for the blessing of Islam and the light of discernment in you. Pray to Him to render their plans and plots null and negatory: that He should rescue this nation from the jackals whose desire is to see it fail and flounder.