2023 Hajj: NAHCON constitutes committee to review services

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) says it has set up an eight-man committee to review the services offered to Nigerian p…

2023 Hajj: NAHCON constitutes committee to review services

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON)

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) says it has set up an eight-man committee to review the services offered to Nigerian pilgrims at the Masha’ir during the 2023 Hajj.

The NAHCON’s Deputy Director of Information, Mousa Ubandawaki, in a statement Wednesday, said the decision was part of the resolution adopted at the end of a meeting between NAHCON, state Muslim pilgrims’ welfare boards and tour operators.

Ubandawaki stated that the committee was inaugurated by NAHCON’s Commissioner in charge of Policy Personnel, Management and Finance (PPMF), Alh Nura Hassan Yakasai, on behalf of the Chairman/CEO, Alh Zikrullah Kunle Hassan, to address the poor service rendered to Nigerian pilgrims in Muna and Arafat during the just concluded Hajj.

He said the terms of reference of the committee which is to be headed by the secretary of the commission, Dr Abdullahi Rabiu Kotangora, include reviewing the 2023 Hajj Masha’ir services provided by the Company of Muttawwifs for African Non -Arab countries.

 “To establish the services provided as contained in the contract for all packages and establish services not rendered as well as those poorly rendered. The committee would seek compensation/ refund while recommending mitigation strategies for future exercises,” the statement said.