2023: Nigerians, let’s go for competence

For us to achieve a better, strong and united Nigeria, we need to close our eyes and do away with the so-called ethnicity, regional and cultural boundaries that exist among us. As the 2023 general election is approaching, Nigerians need to be alert that the campaign period is used to stir ethnicity, regionalism, and other […]

2023: Nigerians, let’s go for competence

Nigerian map showing Taraba state

For us to achieve a better, strong and united Nigeria, we need to close our eyes and do away with the so-called ethnicity, regional and cultural boundaries that exist among us.

As the 2023 general election is approaching, Nigerians need to be alert that the campaign period is used to stir ethnicity, regionalism, and other differences rather than to go for competence. This has been the reason why our nation is constantly moving backwards.

Competency will surely fetch us what all these disparities can never fetch. We must begin to believe that we are one Nigeria from 1914 to date irrespective of religion, regional and ethnic background.

Zoning, power rotation or whatever are not bringing development to Nigeria and Nigerians but keep weakening our democracy.

Our people engage in communal clashes, killing and destruction of businesses, all because of a politician who does not benefit anyone.

Nigerians must wake up from their deep slumber and quickly do away with sectional, ethnicity and religious politics. It’s high time we understood the blessings of our unity in diversity.

Nigerian politicians capitalise on our differences to keep us subjugated to them

I challenge us to make a difference in 2023 by going for competency not our relationship with the candidate.

This is the only way to ensure the rapid development to our dear nation.


Plangnan Joseph Zakari, Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri